Thursday, September 1, 2016


Having a good sense of humor goes a long way for anyone trying to cope with life. Making light of the situation, or oneself is critical for my survival. I'm best at written words so communicating via posted sarcasm has released a lot from me. I'm glad.

I love stand-up comedy and improvisation. I can watch it for hours. Topical or silly comedians are the best. I wish Jim Carrey still did stand-up because his act was amazing. I also love Lewis Black and his angry rampages.

I hope this gets you through the day. Me too.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


I feel a sense of dread and/or panic at the moment. It's hard to control and adult like normal. I'm okay.

Did a little SWTOR after work. About to hopefully sleep. We'll see.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Day of Rest

Well, maybe. Probably more SWTOR, as my mood for it hasn't diminished. I play pretty regularly, as I am a player from launch. I feel ok. Still waking up I guess. I kept waking up, thinking my bedroom door was moving on its own. It can't. It shouldn't. My brain does some cool things when half-awake. Star Wars is mostly on my mind. Rogue One, the movie coming out in December, looks amazing. I can't wait to see it. I have some lingering thoughts about the near future, more to come later on that... But I'm gonna try to have another good day. Each day is a victory.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Saturday Shenanigans

Woke up late today. Slept okay, so I must've needed it. My mood is okay too. A bit of a reprieve from normal. Got food, got computer and now for some Star Wars, The Old Republic MMO.

Star Wars, The Old Republic - MMORPG

My main toon, Khemellin, Jedi Knight

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hello. I'm writing this to share my thoughts and background on several subjects, including but not limited to, Depression, Work, Star Wars, Nerd Fandom, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Cars, Computers, occasional Politics, and anything that may come to mind. Seeing that it's my page, if you feel offended or concerned about anything that is not to your taste, please kindly find another website to attend. Comments are welcome, within reason. Behave, and be civil, and we'll all get along nicely.

This is me in a nutshell.

I'm a 48-year-old male with a costume and a lightsaber and I'm not afraid to use them. These days, a large part of my existence is invested in the Star Wars saga, and wearing the robes of a Jedi Knight. It's therapeutic, and I can make people smile with them. I love to share my fandom and anything I can with folks. I like people and I enjoy talking to them.

I'm also very shy and retiring outside of the costume. And I have chronic severe depression, with the baggage and history included. I don't feel great most of the time, but, I'm here, and I hope I can participate in humanity without causing harm or sadness in others.

I work in the aerospace industry as an electronic technician. I majored in Astrophysics in college, but I dropped out due to my illness. I hope to someday return, but I'm not holding my breath,

I will talk more later, and I hope I can make this blog a place of welcome for everyone.